Thursday, March 13, 2008

Day 9 Homework

For the past two weeks I have had an awesome experience during the intersession Junior Carpenters. I have had a great time turning into a Senior Carpenter. I now know the very basics of professional carpentry, I (if I had the money) could do it. I really learned how exact and math based carpentry is. Miter Saws? PSSHH! Easy. Measurements? 150% more important than usual. On the first day I wasn't so sure. But when the first Wednesday came it blew my mind what I was actually doing. On the first building day I couldn't believe I was an average 7'th grader doing professional carpentry. And the fact that we were doing a huge project (like a gaga pit) for the whole community was really fun to know. I also really loved it when we were figuring out the equation for the plans. I never thought I'd be that sort of hard core math! And it was actually fun too! Also, I've never learned how to play a more fun game than gaga. I am really proud of my self and every one else who took a part. Not only that, but we now are all pretty darn good at playing gaga too. I have had a great time. I have a great feeling of success that started when we finished the gaga pit. I don't think I'll ever ever forget this intersession. These people too, have been awesome too. I owe great thanks to all teachers and other people who took a step into helping us. The sewing. The cutting. There are so many people to thank. I can't wait till tomorrow when we officially present this giant project to the school. I had the greatest time making this gaga pit. It is a very good feeling to finish some thing like this, and I have it. Intersession has slipped away so quickly, but it is what we will leave behind that will stand for years to come and we will hopefully always remember the gaga pit in the making when we see it. And the product that we made will be there to entertain students in the high tech village.

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